Publius Virgilius Maro: "The Fingallian Travesty, or the sixt book of Virgills Ænæids à la mode de Fingaule": 17th cent.Poetry ENGLISH: "The Fingallian travesty, or the Sixt book of Virgills Anæids a la mode de Fingaule": 17th cent.includes:f. 53 P... Unspecified


Publius Virgilius Maro: "The Fingallian Travesty, or the sixt book of Virgills Ænæids à la mode de Fingaule": 17th cent.Poetry ENGLISH: "The Fingallian travesty, or the Sixt book of Virgills Anæids a la mode de Fingaule": 17th cent.includes:f. 53 P... Unspecified

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SNAC Resource ID: 6599743

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Virgilius Maro, Publius (person)